I see there are loads of books available to read how to be successful.
I haven't read any yet but I guess this is true in general what I have realized.
Again I would say it is easy said than done however here it is.
"To be successful you need to be Smarter, Better and Faster than others in every aspect."
- People need to like the way you look, dress, carry yourself, talk, think, react, process information, work and communicate.
- People need to like your skills.
- You need to be social and be able to convey your thoughts, work and experiences across in a way that makes an impact on others.
- Most people know the same things you know, but if you are smart enough to identify it, better to process it and formulate it in the way it can be communicated and faster enough to communicate it in real time before someone else does it in a way that people can relate to what you are saying will gain you more and better results and rewards.